5 Things to Expect: Your First Personal Training Session

Fitness can be intimidating, and your first time in the gym may feel like a flashback to a childhood first day at a new school.  Here are my tips of what to expect from your personal training session, and how prepare. For the video version, click here.

#1: It’s normal to feel nervous.  

Personal Trainers can be scary and nerve-inducing for multiple reasons; TV shows and movies have painted us as mean people who scream at our clients, gyms can be loud places with funny looking pieces of metal and rubber, and you’re now paying someone who you probably don’t know very well to stare at you while you move your body in strange ways.  

The good news is, most personal trainers are not yellers.  Personal trainers are typically laidback people who love exercise, want to cheer you on, and are more likely to crack jokes with you than to do any screaming.  If a certain area of the gym intimidates you, you can always ask them to show you around to feel more comfortable, or to avoid it if that works better for you.

How to know it’s not a good fit: Your new personal trainer is there to be your advocate and support system, so if you leave your first session feeling worse than when you came in, consider interviewing a couple of other trainers to see if it’s a better fit.

#2: What to Wear

Social media would have you believe that fitness is also a fashion show, but showing up in clothes you already own is great and also expected.

I recommend wearing pants that are stretchy and don’t rip or ride up when you bend in them, and a top that you can comfortably raise your arms in.  Definitely wear sneakers, as most gyms require closed toed shoes.  You may be more comfortable in loose and baggy clothing, but I recommend that my clients wear clothes that allow me to see the shape of their body.  

#3: Expect Exercise but Not a Full Workout

Most personal trainers will perform what’s called a Movement Assessment (or Screening) during your first session.  You don’t need to know any of these exercises beforehand, and you shouldn’t worry if your trainer is making notes while you move.  This is what helps us create customized workouts for you!

Most trainers will not put you through a typical workout during this first session, so even if you’re ready to go hard 100%, this first meeting won’t be an intense workout. 

How to know it’s not a good fit: If you’re unable to do an exercise during the movement assessment, your trainer should not force you to complete it anyways.  Our priority should always be to keep you safe.

#4: Arrive Early

Most gyms will want you to fill out a waiver before coming into the facility, and since your first session has a lot happening, I recommend arriving a few minutes early to minimize stress. 

How to know it’s not a good fit:  You and your personal trainer should both be on time.  Everyone is human and traffic/sick kids/lost phones happen, but generally they should respect your time and be punctual. 

#5: You May be Sore

Sore muscles can be a bit of a shock if you haven’t worked out recently.  You can ask your new trainer if they recommend any stretches or foam rolling to do after your session to alleviate those new aches.  Drinking water, stretching, and going for an easy walk the day after can all help give you relief.  

How to know it’s not a good fit: Muscle soreness is normal for about 48 hours post-workout.  Anything beyond this, and you and your trainer may have pushed too hard, although all bodies are different.  

Above all else, you should expect to enjoy yourself!  Fitness should be a brief escape from daily stress, and you’ll hopefully look forward to the time you spend with your trainer.  If you have more questions or comments, please share them below!

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